Accident Procedure

  • Minimum of two Educators will have first aid certificates and will be on duty at all times.
  • The Supervisor will ensure that all children’s records have the parent’s current contact number and at least one emergency contact.
  • In case of accident priority will be to administer first aid immediately and then inform the Centre Supervisor.
  • If deemed necessary, dial 111 and call for an Ambulance Service and inform the parents. Staff member will stay with child while in hospital until parents arrive. If less serious, contact parent and request them to take the child to their family doctor.
  • Parents will be informed of all the accidents in the Centre at all times.
  • The staff member who performed first aid is to fill the accident register. The accident register is kept in the cupboard in the bathroom area. A note will be made on the sign in sheet to remind the parent to read the accident book.
  • Staff will ensure they speak to the Parent of the child when they come to pick them up and will ask them to sign the accident register.
  • For all other injuries, first aid treatment is administered and recorded in the accident register.